Dev/test/staging environments for Azure SQL

Windocks can build images and deploy containers based on production data from Azure SQL.




  1. Production databases running in Azure SQL
  2. Windocks installed on a VM which already has SQL Server. See this link for Windocks install details
  3. BACPAC file of the Azure SQL database



1. Start with the BACPAC file

Download the BACPAC file to storage that can be accessed by the machine running Windocks.



2. Build the Windocks image

See the sample in windocks\samples\cloneFromBacpac. Build an image with the dockerfile using the command
docker build -t yourimagename path\to\directory\containing\dockerfile
or by using the web application and selecting Build.



3. Create containers

You may create dev/test/staging environments with cloned production data with Windocks. These environments (containers) are available on ports on the VM instance. You may specify the ports as well.

You can use the Windocks web application to create the dev/test/staging environments with cloned production data from the image built above. More details on the web app are here

Alternatively, you can also use the REST API with curl to create and start the container with clone as documented here

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