Web application

The Windocks web app works with Chrome or Firefox browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported.




  • For remote access create local and network firewall rules to allow inbound traffic on port 3000, or 3001 for SSL traffic.
  • Verify that IIS is installed and verify that inetpub\wwwroot contains the Windocks web app files. If not copy the web app files from windocks\ui to inetpub\wwwroot.
  • Login locally or RDP to the Windocks server, open a Chrome or Firefox browser, and enter either localhost or the loopback address ( Or from any other machine put in the Windocks IP address. The Windocks web application will prompt for login credentials. Login as administrator (all lower case) - contact for the default administrator password.
  • To setup SSL access to the web app, open the file windocks\gateway\config.js and put in the values for sslCertificateFile and sslKeyFile, and create those files in the paths specified by you



Common tasks

  • Getting started - In the Server Ip address text box, enter the IP or DNS of the Windocks server (If local, enter and Refresh
  • Build an image - Build, then Browse, then navigate to the directory containing the dockefile and select ALL the files in the directory. Enter an image name you want and Build.
  • View image build logs - Images, then find your image and Log
  • Create a container from an image - Images, find the image you want, enter container name and Deliver. Optionally, select the databases you want, otherwise all databases will be set up for cloning. Optionally enter the port you want the container on (if left blank, Windocks will pick a port). Optionally enter the password you want for the admin for the database container (sa password for SQL Server). If left empty, Windocks will generate a password for you.
  • Start or stop containers - Containers and Clones, then find your container and Start or Stop
  • Delete a container - Containers and Clones, then find your container and Delete
  • View logs in a container - Containers and Clones, then find your container and Log
  • Refresh an image with incremental backups - Refresh, then enter path to the directory or file for transaction log backups and Refresh
  • Set up a refresh schedule for incremental backups - Refresh, then enter Polling directory path, select period, enter frequency and Schedule
  • Create user accounts - Users, then enter information for a new user and Register
  • Create groups - Users, then Groups then New group enter group name and Save 



Menu details

  • Dashboard (Enterprise edition): displays key performance metrics and image update status
  • Images: Shows all available images and les you create clones and containers from them
  • Containers and clones: is a listing of containers and cloned database environments created from an image, and includes a real-time view of all environments on the Windocks server, and their state, along with container name, and port
  • Build: supports the building of a new image. Click Browse and select ALL the files in the directory containing the dockerfile
  • Refresh (Enterprise edition): lists database images available for incremental updates using transaction log backups, with manual and scheduled updates. The input is a file path to a folder containing the transaction log backups to be applied to the image.
  • Monitor (Enterprise edition): lists the scheduled database image updates performed, and any errors due to lack of transaction log backups. Note, manual image updates are not included.
  • Audits (Enterprise Edition): provides a listing of all user and administrative actions on the server, including image builds, container creation and deletion. The Audit log is designed to support compliance reporting and audit support.
  • Help: provides a comprehensive online set of documentation on Windocks.

Extend CI/CD to your data layer